XX ISA World Congress of Sociology
The Program Committee developed a wide range of plenary sessions devoted to the main theme of the Congress Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies. Moreover, the Committee selected the best proposals for Integrative Sessions, sessions by National and Regional Associations, as well as Authors Meet Critics and Ad Hoc Sessions, and many Professional Development sessions. We will also have a unique opportunity to learn about the issues of concern to the host country, Australia, in Thematic Sessions prepared by the Australian Local Organizing Committee chaired by Dan Woodman. You will find descriptions of all these sessions on the Congress website.
Nevertheless, the most important announcement at this point is that the period of abstract submission has already begun, July 1 – September 30, 2022. I would like to thank the Program Coordinators of 57 Research Committees (RC), 4 Working Groups (WG) and 6 Thematic Groups (TG) who completed lists of sessions for each and are waiting now for your submissions. To avoid a final rush, don’t wait until the last moment, submit your abstract without delay and join us in Melbourne!